‚The pain of being a woman is too severe!‘ – The films of Roberta Findlay: Mascara (1983)

    Deep in the heart of a lonely city
    I wandered sad and all alone
    Then in the heart of a lonely city
    I saw the girl that I want for my own

    (John Leyton – Lonely City)


‚The pain of being a woman is too severe!‘ – The films of Roberta Findlay: Fantasex (1976)

    Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
    Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality

    (Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody)


Midnight Confessions #03: Taboo II (1982)

    You know that’s incest?
    That’s why its so hot!

    (Siblings Sherry and Junior McBride in everyday conversation)


‚The pain of being a woman is too severe!‘ – The films of Roberta Findlay: From Holly with Love (1978)

„La photographie, c’est la vérité et la cinéma, c’est vingt-quatre fois la vérité par seconde.“ – in a nutshell: Cinema is truth at 24 frames a second – is an often quoted wise saying by French cinema stylite Jean-Luc Godard. Well, when speaking about Roberta Findlay’s cinema though his German counterpart Rainer Werner Fassbinder seems to have been closer to the truth for once. „Film ist Lüge, 25 mal in der Sekunde.“ – Film is a put-on, 25 times in each second. It might not always be as integral to the appeal as it is in „From Holly with Love“, but Findlay’s flow of imagery is a lie, a beguilement involving just about everything – her intentions, feelings, the undersold wisdom that lies buried in her work – and extending to externa of her filmography. Golden Age of Hollywood smuggling as a coping mechanism for being forced to work on projects she took no immediate interest in or even found distasteful, the elaborate (and even I have to admit it: screamingly funny) stand up comedy routine „An hour of self-deprecation with Roberta Findlay“ most of her rare public appearances have a tendency to evolve into sooner or later – it’s all part of the deal. Weiterlesen…

‚The pain of being a woman is too severe!‘ – The films of Roberta Findlay: The Altar of Lust (1971)

    In the dime stores and bus stations
    People talk of situations
    Read books, repeat quotations
    Draw conclusions on the wall.
    Some speak of the future
    My love, she speaks softly
    She knows there’s no success like failure
    And that failure’s no success at all.

    (Bob Dylan – Love Minus Zero)


‚The pain of being a woman is too severe!‘ – The films of Roberta Findlay: Angel Number 9 (1974)

    I’m beautiful in my way
    ‚Cause God makes no mistakes
    I’m on the right track, baby
    I was born this way

    (Lady Gaga – Born This Way)


Midnight Confessions #02: Her Name Was Lisa (1979)

    Just give us a little information, this won’t take long.
    Of course.
    The woman’s age?
    Twenty-six years old.
    Just put down … ‚entertainer‘.


Midnight Confessions #01: Not your everyday pervert – Night Caller (1976)

    I had to interrupt and stop this conversation
    Your voice across the line gives me a strange sensation
    I’d like to talk when I can show you my affection

    (The Nerves – Hanging on the Telephone)


13. außerordentlicher Filmkongress des Hofbauer-Kommandos: Die Aufrisse

Alle Monate wieder, respektive drei wundersame Male im Jahr, laden wir, das hochwohllöbliche Hofbauer-Kommando, im Kommkino/Filmhauskino Nürnberg und im Uferpalast Fürth, zu unseren längst umjubelten außerordentlichen Filmkongressen, in deren Rahmen wir dem Schmierigen, dem Zärtlichen und dem Verstrahlten zu neuer Ehrerbietung zu verhelfen trachten. Besucher wie Veranstalter schätzen sie als ein Happening, das mit lustbetonten filmischen Schauwertigkeiten die Herzen zu öffnen und die Hosen zu sprengen vermag – aber das haben wir hier weiß Gott ja schon oft genug betont! Wie inzwischen stets, werden wir auch diesmal vorab in den sog. „Aufrissen“ in aller Ausschweifung Auskunft über die besonderen Filmgenüsse geben, die wir vom 24. bis zum 27. Juli mit vor Stolz geschwollenem Busen auf der großen Kinobildwand präsentieren werden. Da diese Texte ursprünglich auf Facebook erschienen sind, bzw. erscheinen, und auch dafür konzipiert wurden, bitten wir um Verständnis für ein besonders hervorstechendes Maß an informeller Flapsigkeit und diverse Schnodderismen. Weiterlesen…