Die neuen Phantome des verrückten Hutmachers Timmy B.
Probable chat of two Disney producers around three years ago:
A: Hey Bob, we should really bring out a totally new version of „Alice in Wonderland“, don’t ye think so? All in 3D, everyone will love it!!!
B: Well, Alan… only thing is..ye know…this book.. „Alice“…it aint got no proper story..
A: Uhah..
B: …and it’s pretty weird…much too weird for the big audience!
A: But…
B: I know what you’re gonna say, but what worked fifty years ago aint gonna work nowadays… People want the straightforward fight of good against evil, they wanna see another „Lord of the Rings“, another „Chronicles of Narnia“, another „Harry Potter“ with a niiiice li’l piece of moral advice wrapped into it…
A: I’m afraid you’re right. This Lewis Carroll surely had something, but his ideas are just to strange, to crazy…the whole book does have this… Burton-touch, doesn’t it?
B: Yeah, yeah, you’re right!!! It’s got the Burton-touch,so why not let Burton make a totally crazy version of Alice and…